Thursday, July 1, 2010

Arrival - Sept.20, 2004 Monday


The farewell at the airport was difficult for me Lord, but I am glad that I am alive on the inside to feel the pain.

My Anneka, how I love this little beauty you have given me. Thank you Father, keep her for me. Keep her safe and pure and altogether Yours.
Little Aila, who is so young, that I will miss getting to know her.
This sadness I place in Your hands as well.

Now...the page is turned. A new direction. A new page. A new life. The path is narrow to the outward eye, but reveals the depth of the knowledge of You.

So...I step forward....the government of my life is on Your shoulders, and so do I cling to You. I wrap my arms around Your waist and hang on tightly as together we leap to life.

More than anything Lord, I want You. You in every part of my being. God on my frame. God with skin on. Living before You, serving You unoffended and clothed with Love Himself.

Therefore I go now, to walk with You through the valley of the shadow where no evil will touch us....together.

Sept.20, 2004 ....Evening...

Rom.9/20 Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, why hast Thou made me thus ?
'these rifts that I am making, which seem to be destroying thee, will change thee into a flute, and thy sweet music then shall bless the souls of men.'