Monday, April 27, 2009



A Familiar Voice whispered tenderly to the child's heart.
'Come to the River'.

Warm memories of invitations to moments with her King spurred this dear heart to respond quickly to His summons.

The place where they had met many times before.
Significant meetings to be sure.

Promises spoken, burdens lifted, comfort bestowed,
love awakened, trust restored.

Finding her way to the familiar path , memories flood her heart, where in long past childhood, she would meet with her grandfather.
He would come in his little boat and carry her from her world of fear and torment , to the safety of his little cottage across the river.

Now another Voice has called her to this lovely place.

Standing in the shallow water, the sun warming her face, she trembles at the approaching nearness of the One she loves more than life.

The King is meeting her here again.

His royalty veiled to the human eye, at least for now. The soft sound of the water gently kissing the shore stirs her from her pleasant musing.

Joyfully, Mercy steps eagerly into the familiar little row boat and the welcoming embrace of her Best Friend.
Taking up the oars, and pushing out a little from shore, a large smile lighting His countenance , the Gentle King announces 'I have a surprise for you today'.

But first . Shall we see how the lilies are doing ? I have been anticipating something very exciting any day now.
He knows how much His little friend enjoys sitting quietly beside Him discovering the hidden secrets of His heart. He loves to share with her His Mysteries.

This was one of her favorite places to come with Him . Mercy knew she would not be disappointed. There ahead lay an enchanting white water lily, her long and graceful stem disappearing down deep into the murky water.

Mercy was captivated with amazement at the strength and courage of this fragile looking blossom, stretching and reaching, pushing herself upwards from the dark depths of the river bed.


This little beauty was determined to break the surface into the freedom and warmth of the sunshine. It was worth the long dark days under the cold waters, growing toward the day when she would once again gaze into the Face of the One who formed her for Himself.

That was enough for this beautiful humble Lily. If no one else even noticed her, her Creator did. The one who formed her in the dark depths of her beginnings, drew such great delight in His creation.

She was His favorite, and today He was showing her off to His little friend . He kissed her with His smile, blessed her beauty there, promising to return soon.

The two friends peacefully continued across the narrow river, and soon Mercy noticed that their surroundings were beginning to change dramatically. The sunlight around became shrouded in mist and the shore they came upon led to an old long abandoned property.

Mercy recognized the cottage and the dock and even the old tree where the hammock used to live.

Now everything she had known as a child was lost in the shadows of another time. A time of family and friends, laughter, grandparents, cousins and love. Sweet memories of those who had once gathered here.

The place was barren now. Those who had once enjoyed this little piece of earth had all passed into eternity.

The Lord began searching the ground carefully, slowly brushing the soil with His fingers. Suddenly there is an exclamation of intense pleasure at His discovery of something hidden in the dry and neglected earth.

Upon first glance it looked just like any other ordinary pebble, but Mercy knew by the expression on the Lord's face that this was not the case. His face was radiant, and tears brimmed his sparkling dark eyes.

This is the missing stone ! I have been searching for this particular stone for a very long time. This is the only one of its kind, and cannot ever be replaced. Tenderly He removed the crust of dried mud and clay , gently polishing His precious treasure on His tunic.

'Come and look', He whispered to Mercy softly, 'can you see her?' I looked closely as He held the small transparent stone in His hand. The stone was shining now, glowing richly in the light that was radiating from the smile on His beautiful face.

How did she ever get in there Lord ?

The sorrow of a neglected and broken heart covered her, until she could no longer remember Love and so became a captive of the pain that had wounded and tried to take her life. She only appears to have died, but look again Mercy.

There in the center of this lovely jewel was the perfect image of the White Water Lily, reflecting brilliantly now in the Light shining from the Face of Love Himself.
Now that I have found her my Love will free her, and she will live again.

Remember Mercy ?

Yes Lord, I remember when you found me. Not far from here as well I think. My mother in her own brokenness had discarded me and I too was a rejected pebble hiding myself in the depths of my own sorrow.

'Yes my child, and now both you and Lily are a radiant reflection of My Transforming Love.' Behold ! I make all things new.


(Blog Journey October 15, 2005)