Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mouse Update


Today we discovered that the word is spread through out mouse dom of the delicacies being served up in the cupboards of our humble dwelling.
I guess I'm not so good at the mouse proofing and they are much more devious than previously reported.

I went in search of the newest technology on the market. The search went on and on , when finally I found the ultimate in de- mousing...the tech way. It's called and ultra sonic....Super Pet Chaser ! An Electronic Rodent Repeller. It emits ultra sonic waves that scramble the brain waves of the mice.


You simply plug it in and 'they say' that it will keep them out of your whole house. They also come big enought to keep barns clear, so I hope they're right. We will see soon enough.

Really ....there is only one positive use for a mouse these days. At least this is the only one I will touch in my house.


BUT....I recently found this picture of something called 'The Mice.'

These two mighty galaxies are pulling each other apart. Known as "The Mice" because they have such long tails, each spiral galaxy has likely already passed through the other.

I think Our Creator has done an awesome work....and one day perhaps I will ask Him His thoughts on His creation of the rodent mice.


(Trenton Journal Nov.20, 2010)

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