Monday, August 16, 2010

Find Me Jesus !


Today my life has felt like I live in Bizzaro World !

So after a day like this I was wondering what it would be like if I could go back in time and visit the places where Jesus hung out.

I wonder where I would find Him tonight ?

Maybe He could come and find me ?

What would He find ? I am exhausted, weary, kind of frumpy.Too tired to even think or pray.

I close my eyes and wait, listening to the silence that has finally descended after a day of chaos.

I feel so numb Lord. How can I perceive You when my senses are dulled with grief and sorrow.

Find me Jesus !

I weep in desperation for Your Nearness, my body heaving sobs of relief as You draw me into Your embrace.
It's so dark here Lord in the valley of the shadow , I feel so alone.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me."

You are telling me that You are familiar with this valley. You have walked this path before me. Your loving touch upon my shoulder releases the yoke of oppression, and strength returns.

"I give you courage Dearheart , for the journey through this valley will demand your life. Though it is your Aunt who is going into Eternity, you will accompany her to the Gate."

How can I do this Lord ? I am afraid.

"Fear not little one, I have given you the keys to the Kingdom. Ask whatever you will, and I will give it to you."

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

The table tonight is the Communion Table. My Beloved has set everything in place. The Bread, the Wine , the Cup.

In the stillness of the night, I am reminded of the price My Beloved paid for me long ago.

'All I have is yours, I will never leave you.'

In the breaking of the Bread, my heart is wounded by Love so tender. Living Bread filling me with new life and strength. Wisdom serves the Wine. 'Will you share My Cup ?' There is no fear now as I drink fully the Cup offered.

Suddenly I sense the Presence of angels, summoned by My Lord.
Courage and Might, Strength and Wisdom, Grace and Mercy.
New garments for the days ahead. Fresh Oil, more than enough for the journey.

In the distance now, I can clearly see the Sun beginning to break on the horizon.
He is waiting at the Gate, and He is waving joyfully. Welcome home! All has been made ready....well done Faithful Handmaiden.

And so ...this night I find my rest once again.

(Trenton Journal Nov.13, 2004)

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