Thursday, June 24, 2010



Well, I have only three days left at my work place. I will not be sorry to leave. I am grateful to the Lord for the provision this has provided and the many things I have learned from my time there.

Thanks for the long hours of time with You Lord. You have found me in the most unusual times and places.

Remember the time I was listening to those tapes on the Glory School? The one on Your Holy Spirit ? You ambushed me right there in the hall. I had to run to our 'little room' to fully experience that encounter with You. That was so wonderful ! You are amazing Jesus !

Remember the other time I was dancing around the garbage room to that Kevin Prosch song 'You're are my One Thing'? That was so cool Lord! You really do like to move outside the boxes we try to put you in. Thanks for that .

Remember the many times You found me cleaning some toilet bowl,or in some dirty oven.
You would come near to me,and break my heart while whispering comfort and direction.

In times of deep distress and sorrow You met me in so many tender ways. You have been with me and shown me that You are the God of the elderly. Those whose lives are in the later years, and You have declared that they are valuable to You, and therefore to me as well.

You have taught me that Mercy and Grace can go a long way among those who do not know You. That was a profound truth!

I quite enjoyed being hidden there.

Now the season has changed radically. So on we go to the next great adventure together.
I ask for grace to do what You have called me to do. I want to see with Your Eyes, to Hear with Your ears, and to BE Your Hands and Heart. Amen.

(Trenton Journal Sept.12,2004)