Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trenton 2004 : The Journey Begins


It's been a busy, crazy week.

Sorting , packing , making decisions....
How many earrings does a girl need ?
I can't find my winter many coats does one need ???
....more tape please !

Boxes stacked everywhere....A pile for the Salvation Army...
a pile to storage...a pile to ship ahead.

Chaos....I hate it...yet I am remembering that the Spirit of the Lord God brooded over the chaos of the deep, and Life was even though I will be walking through the valley of the shadow of death....even there, Life will be birthed in the midst.

Tonight I took a break and went to visit a friend. We just chatted and listened to worship music soaking in the Presence of our Beloved. the midst of the storms of life.

The truth is with so many friends being 'scattered', the question whispered....'Am I enough for you ?'
When everyone is gone...Am I enough for you ?
Are you willing to come away when the only One who knows you is Me?


Sunday morning was particularly sweet. My son Jason and his beautiful wife Yvonne, were doing the worship. The Spirit of the Lord was very powerful and He was so very near to me.
This mothers' heart has always been so blessed when Jason leads the worship. Like every mother, I have prayed for years that my children would KNOW HIM and love to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

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I have been blessed to observe (and weep) as the Lord takes us deep into Himself. To the loving heart of God in passionate worship and intercession, and I have touched the Throne in the midst of the swirl of the Spirit in these times of Encounter.

I am so thankful to have shared these times in the Spirit with my son. I will miss this a lot !


(Trenton Journal Sept.7,2004)